Rehbein Research
Modern Physical Organic Chemistry

Currently our team consists of 6 PhD students from 3 different countries. Want to be part of it? Drop me a line!

We love to understand chemistry in its very principles taking the dynamics into account. And we do so with a combination of experiments and simulations. For more info: Here you go!

Currently the counter is at 46 publications on mechanistic studies of various chemistry.

Communication is key, not only in science. Invited talks all over the world show how well mechanistic studies are recognized in the community. List of previous & furture lectures.

Lectures in catalysis, modern physical organic chemistry and computational chemistry. Supported by self-learning quizzes and screencasts.
We are currently part of the RTG 2620 'ion pairs', the CRC 325 'assembly-controlled photocatalysis' both funded by the DFG and the IDK 'Photo-Electro-Catalysis (PEC)' funded by the Elite networkt of Bavaria. Our collaboration partners are all over Germany and beyond. Check out our recent publications!

Current Funding
DFG RTG 2620 , 2 PhD positions,
DFG CRC 325, 1 PhD posittion
ENB IDK PEC, 1 PhD position

Via my personal assistent Barbara Bauer
Room CH32.1.85
Phone +49 941 943-4575
Fax +49 941 943-1717
or via e-mail!
Prof. Dr. Julia Rehbein
TU Dresden (Diplom), TU Dortmund (PhD), Cardiff University (Postdoc; Wales, UK), UHH (FCI- then Emmy-Noether-Fellow; Hamburg) University Regensburg (now)
Originally trained as a synthetic organic chemist and even doing natural product synthesis, I was - over the time - more and more intrigued by the chemistry that did not turn out as expected. That's how I got into the field of physical organic chemistry. Always seeking a greater unterstanding of the experiemetnal obersvation at a molecular or even electronic level.
New manuscripts accepted:
"Unimolecular net heterolysis of symmetric and homopolar σ-bonds"
Hernández-Castillo, Poorva R. Narasimhamurthy, Kirsten Zeitler, Leticia González, Julia
Rehbein*, Patrick Nuernberger*, Alexander Breder*
Nature 2024 (2023-10-19456B),
New manuscripts published:
Reactivity of Superbasic Carbanions Generated via Reductive Radical‐Polar Crossover in the Context of Photoredox Catalysis
Sascha Grotjahn, Christina Graf, Jan Zelenka, Aryaman Pattanaik, Lea Müller, Roger Jan Kutta, Julia Rehbein, Jana Roithová, Ruth M Gschwind, Patrick Nuernberger, Burkhard König*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202400815
Counterion Effect in Cobaltate-Catalyzed Alkene Hydrogenation
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Martin Gawron, Franziska Gilch, Daniel Schmidhuber, Dr. John A. Kelly, Dr. Thomas M. Horsley Downie, Prof. Dr. Axel Jacobi von Wangelin,
Prof. Dr. Julia Rehbein*, Prof. Dr. Robert Wolf*
First published: 07 December 2023
New manuscripts on ChemArxiv:
Electrochemical Homo-and Cross-Annulation of Alkynes and Nitriles for the Regio-and Chemoselective Synthesis of 3, 6-Diarylpyridines
Mangish Ghosh, Tirtha Mandal, Mattia Lepori, Joshua Philip Barham, Julia Rehbein, Oliver Reiser
Job offers:
1 PhD position in Computational Chemistry starting June 2024
2 PhD positions in the RTG ion-pair effects (one synthetic, one spectroscopic/computational research) starting June 2024
Curious? Drop me a line!